Meeting 843

Hello Werribeans,

Meeting 843 last night was the last for 2019 and one of great fun for all. Nine members (just short of a quorum) and five guests attended.

Krishna chaired his first Business Session and he didn’t fell undaunted by the situation. He moved us through the Agenda firmly and promptly and handed over the gavel to our meeting Toastmaster, Patti, ahead of time.
One of our newest members, Nirupama (or Rupa for her friends) presented the table topics for her first time. She had a top notch preparation and the topics were introduced with a big smile on her face and plenty of enthusiasm. Awais, Pete (guest), and Michelle (guest) received the topics and answered with enthusiasm and vigour.

The award for Best Table Topic went to our guest, Pete.

After the tea break, we had two Speakers. Rajesh started proceedings with his first speech of Level 2 in the Dynamic Leadership Path. The aim of this project is Understanding your Leadership Style. Rajesh showed us how well he understands the different types of leadership and how leadership is a process.

The second speaker was Daniel (me, myself, and I) who presented the project Using Descriptive Language, one of several elective projects on Level 3 of Effective Coaching Pathway. The speech had as a title "My Tribulations in Australian English”. With this speech, he completed Level 3 of his Path.

The evaluators were Daniel (Table Topics), Stephen (Rajesh’s speech), and Julie (Daniel’s speech). For the first time in my five years in the club, there was a three-way tie in the voting: all three evaluators received the same amount of votes! Three different evaluation styles all of them equally well received by the audience.

My thanks also go to Yaseen who accepted at the last minute to be acting Sgt at Arms and who carried the task efficiently and without a fuss.

We now have a break over the Festive Season and will reconvene on 29 January. I will send a draft agenda around mid-January.

Wishing you all the best for this Festive Season.

Daniel, VPE