Meeting number 799 - Thrive

After three low attendance meetings, meeting 799 was well attended and we welcomed six guests.
It was good also to see two of our most valuable members Daniel I and Elena M in attendance.
Despite the room’s clock showing the time as ten to three, we did get the meeting to open on schedule (mental note: replace clock batteries at next meeting!!)

Program changes saw Jacquelene B assume the role of Toastmaster, no doubt because of her past record of excellence in stepping-In without prior notice. Thank you Jacquelene.

Table Topics Master Chih posed four questions based on Thrive, the theme of the night. Unfortunately, Chih asked me ‘what AFL team will thrive this year”? Not being a huge fan of AFL, this threw me somewhat, but I managed to bluster my way through and was amazed to later receive Best T.T. Speaker award. Full marks to 1st time visitor Kesharika for overcoming her nerves and participating in the T.T segment.

A major tea-break disaster was avoided by May W.   Quel horreur, it was realised that the milk supplies had run-out!!!!! Then it was found that May had saved the day by bringing a carton of milk. Give that lady a medal!!

With attendees fully refreshed after cups of tea and coffee (with milk), we launched into the Speech segment and were treated to three excellent offerings from Peter K, Daniel #2 and Wendy.
Peter spoke on the subject of over consumerism, and as we have become to expect from Peter, used props to underline his message. I was dumb enough to accept a challenge from Peter and was given four huge slabs of chocolate to consume before the meetings end.
Unfortunately, I am on a diet, plus none of it was MILK chocolate!
Daniel #2’s speech task was to ‘Persuade with Power’ and he certainly achieved that …….. you could have heard a pin drop through-out his speech and that is always a sign of an engaged audience. Daniel’s subject was about the value of reading and his excellent concluding and persuasive line was “read books and your whole life will change for the better”. Excellent stuff Daniel.
Twenty-five years of Toastmasters experience was evident from Wendy who was the Speech award winner for the night. I have to say that on any other night both Daniel’s and Peter’s speeches could well have been award winners.

Chih, Daniel#1 and yours truly were the evenings speech Evaluators and faced the difficult task of evaluating three excellent performances.  I was rapt to be awarded Best Evaluator but feel that a vote re-count would not have been inappropriate!

President Udana adroitly carried-out the triple task of Timekeeper, General Evaluator and closing the meeting.
Whilst I was happy to receive two awards (for the first time) Udana managed to deflate any boosted ego I may have had, by ensuring I got back to my seat at the end of the room, before announcing my second award. Just you wait Udana …. revenge will be mine!!!!
A high-light of the Business session was Wendy P’s announcement that the Youth Leadership program will commence at Point Cook Senior College on Monday 23rd April.
This of course is in addition to the Y.L. programs that Wendy, ably assisted by May W, runs at Westbourne Grammar and Seaholme Primary schools. Exposing young people to Toastmasters hugely increases their confidence and maturity levels. Well done Wendy and May.

V.P. Membership

Membership of Werribee Toastmasters is not a destination, it is a journey to be enjoyed.