Meeting number 798 - Dreams

The meeting tonight was small and intimate which meant we could have some fun and everyone got to shine in multiple roles.
We had three great but very different speeches, learning much about our fellow Toastmasters in the process. This followed on from the revelations during the Round Robin and Table Topics which stayed focussed on the evening topic of “Dreams”.
During the Round Robin we found that some members had current unfulfilled tangible dreams like specific travel, some less tangible like enlightenment and self-development and some who are so content that they feel that they fulfilled all their dreams.
We had a speech from the child hood of a veteran member, the journey to become a member and beyond from our president and a passionate speech about working with computers from the third presenter of the night.
We had a first time guest who made a wonderful Table Topic Speech about coming to Australia, getting a great job and his dream of building a foundation for poor and disadvantaged children. What an amazing dream, may he succeed with the help of all of us!
Of course, the takeaway from any Toastmasters meeting is how far we have come and how Toastmasters has made such a difference to all who attend.
So let your inner orator out and join us at our next meeting.

Jacquelene B